Library Policies


503.00 Circulation Policies



                                           Loan Periods

Books                                                               2 weeks

Circulating reference books                        2 weeks

Magazines                                                       1 week

Audio books                                                    2 weeks

DVD                                                                  1 week

Reference books                                            In-house only

Newspapers                                                    In-house only

Telephone books                                           In-house only





Materials may be renewed for the original loan period upon approval of the Librarian.


Books and other materials may be obtained, through the Inter-Library Loan program.  There is a $2.00 fee for each request to help cover the postage cost. Use of the materials is limited to one month.


Board Approved: October 2, 1989

Revised: March 8, 2007

Reviewed: April 14, 2011, 2013, 2016, March 11, 2019

Scheduled for Review 2022


503.10 DVD Policy


1.     Borrowers must have a valid library card for which no overdue materials or fines over $1.00 are outstanding.

2.     New patrons will be on a six month probationary period. They may only check out two DVD’s. Only one new release (current to three months old) and one older release may be checked out by new patrons.

3.     Patrons in good standing (no fines & return movies on time) will be allowed to check out three movies. More may be checked out at the discretion of the staff.

4.     The loan period for a DVD is one week! If returned late, there is an overdue charge of $1.00/ per title/day.

5.     The patron is responsible for return of the DVD in good condition. Do not expose DVD to heat or sun or extreme cold. In case of loss, theft or damage, the patron will be charged the full replacement cost of the DVD. A damaged DVD may be replaced by the patron with a new DVD of the exact item.

It is the director’s discretion that a lost, stolen or damaged DVD be replaced with something other than the exact DVD that was lost, stolen or damaged.

6.     The library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to a borrower’s DVD player by a library DVD.

7.     DVD may not be renewed!

8.     The DVDs purchased by the library will be “Home Use Only” DVDs.

9.     The patron is responsible for compliance with all applicable restrictions of the copyright law.


Board Approved:  March 9, 2006

Revised: November 8, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017


Scheduled for Review 2020


504.00 Fines


As the library does not wish to penalize anyone for using library services, overdue fines are not assessed.  Patrons are expected to return their items when they are due or renew them as appropriate.  Patrons with items that are 6 month overdue will be considered lost and the patron will be billed the cost for replacement or provide the library with an approved replacement.


Library privileges may be suspended if a fee of more than $5.00 is on the patron’s library account.


Privileges may be re-instated upon full payment of any outstanding fees.


Damaged Materials          


Patrons are responsible for the care and return of items checked out on their account.  If Library materials are returned damaged and to the extent they cannot be put back into circulation, the patron will be assessed one of the following fees.

·        The original cost of the item, as listed in the Library’s catalog records

·        Provide the library with a replacement item that has been approved by the Directors.


Library privileges may be suspended if a fee of more than $5.00 is on the patron’s account


Privileges may be re-instated upon full payment of any outstanding fees.


Overdue Materials


The library is entrusted by the citizens of Sanborn to provide, maintain, and track items that have been purchased with taxpayer dollars.  In order to protect public property the library has a schedule it follows for overdue materials.


First Notice

One month after the item is due, the patron will be notified by phone or e-mail of overdue materials and reminded to renew or return any late materials.


Second Notice             


Three months after the due date, patron will be notified by Director through phone, e-mail or letter asking for a return of the items or payment of the replacement charges for the lost or damaged materials.


Third Notice 


Six months after the due date, a final attempt will be made by phone, e-mail, or letter to ask for the return or replacement of delinquent items.  Materials will then be moved to “Lost” and the patron’s account will be suspended until retribution has been made. 


Other possible actions may include sending a certified letter of “notification of criminal action” as described in Iowa Code section 714.5.  If the certified letter gets no result, the Director may contact law enforcement or the City Attorney.  Keeping library materials after library personnel have followed these steps to get public property back constitutes the crime of theft.


           Board Approved: October 2, 1989

Reviewed:  March 8, 2007

Revised: April 14, 2011

Reviewed: November 14, 2013, 2016

Revised December 9, 2019


Scheduled for Review 2022



505.40 Computer and Internet


Internet & Computer Use Policy

Internet Use Policy

The Sanborn Public Library provides public computers and internet access to fulfill its mission to help meet the cultural, informational, and educational needs of the community.  Access to the computers and the internet are considered essential library services and in accordance with the ALA's "Library Bill of Rights" shall be made available to people regardless of origin, age, background, or views.  

This internet/computer use policy has been established to provide fair and equitable access to the internet for all library users, to establish the rules governing internet/computer usage, and to state the rights and responsibility of the users.

This policy governs both the use of library owned equipment (public access computers) and the use of patron owned equipment (phones, tablets, or laptops) on the library's public Wi-Fi.  Use of the library's hardware, software, Internet/wireless service, and electronic information resources is entirely at the risk of the user.

Internet Access

All Internet resources accessible through the library are provided to all library users. A library user is anyone who enters the door of the library. This includes library patrons as well as visitors to the community who wish to use the computers. Users must sign in at the front desk before using any public use computers. 

All persons under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian come into the library to read and sign the Internet Use Policy and Agreement Form. Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.

We do use content filters to meet the guidelines of the federal "Child Internet Protection Act."  Use of this filter does not guarantee protection from unsuitable websites for users and they access the internet at their own risk.

No time limits are enforced unless someone else is waiting.  If users are waiting, a 1 hour time limit will be imposed.  If it is extremely busy, then a 30 minute time limit may be imposed by the librarian on duty. 

There is a limit of two people at a computer at a time.  Time limits apply to both users.

Users are not permitted to install, delete, or modify library hardware or software, and any saving of files must be done on the users own devices.  Any files saved on the library's computers will be erased when the computer is shut down.

Wi-Fi is available for all library users.  Users will need to stop at the circulation desk to access the Wi-Fi password.  Users should be aware that any information sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user.  The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of your device or data files.

Information can be printed from public access computers at a charge of .25 for black/white and .50 for color.  Copies can be picked up at the circulation desk.

The library staff is able to provide only limited technical assistance.  Because of library scheduling, Internet-trained staff may not always be available.

The Internet is not a secure, private environment.  Internet users should avoid disclosing personal information over the Internet to preserve their own personal safety. In general, electronic communication is not absolutely secure and any transactions, particularly financial are done at the users own risk. Minors should never disclose personal information, such as name, school, address, and telephone number to strangers on the Internet. Library Internet users are prohibited by law from disclosing, using, or disseminating personal information about minors without written authorization of the parent or legal guardian of the minors involved.

Inappropriate Use of the Internet

Patrons will not use library equipment or connections for illegal or criminal purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Violation of Iowa State law, which makes it illegal to download or purvey child pornography, purvey pornography to children or commit fraudulent acts using the Internet.
  • Violation of U.S. copyright law (title17, U.S. Code) which prohibits the unauthorized reproduction of copy right materials, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use" or the explicit permission of the copyright holder.  Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the individual user and not the Sanborn Public Library
  •  Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance
  •  Engaging in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment.

Enforcement of this Policy

The library reserves the right to terminate the session for any user that engages in disruption of library services, inappropriate library behavior, or misuse of equipment/network which may result in suspension from internet/wireless use. Disciplinary action will be determined by the director and staff. Serious and repeat offenders can be denied access to the library computers permanently.

Board Approved: March 8, 2007

Revised:  March 15, 2012

Reviewed: March 7, 2016

Revised: August 12, 2019


Scheduled for Review 2022